What We Do
Wellsprings offers overnight getaways at our Ranch located in Waring, Texas - just outside of San Antonio. Four Glamping Cabins await you in this quite Hill Country Retreat set on 46 acres nestled up against the Guadalupe River. You will enjoy a furnished, air-cooled cabin, campfires, meals prepared on site, swimming pool, fishing, tubing and kayaking in the Guadalupe River and time to rest and enjoy the Hill Country. The First Responder community enjoy a premier discount price per night with an abundance of inclusions for your enjoyment.
Family Days
Wellsprings hosts an annual First Responder Family Day on the Ranch. Typically in the early summertime, Wellsprings welcomes all First Responders and their families to enjoy food vendors, family activities and games, and the venues on the Ranch for a fun family event. Family Days are free for First Responders and their families. Come enjoy a day on the Ranch!
An important component to the mission of Wellsprings is encouraging community amongst First Responders. We build a sort of “family” through our courses, family days, and getaways. We regularly check on our family to ensure they are doing well and utilizing the tools learned through Reboot. We encourage return visits to the Ranch for leisure and getaways often to continue taking steps to heal spirit, mind and body. Wellsprings also will host events regularly that will encourage community between first responders.
Reboot First REsponder
Wellsprings has partnered with an international organization called Reboot Recovery (my.rebootrecovery.com). REBOOT Recovery exists to help first responders families heal from the moral and spiritual wounds associated with service-related trauma. Wellsprings hosts a course called REBOOT First Responders. This course provides a unique blend of clinical insight with Christian faith-based support. REBOOT “communities” are safe, private, peer-led, and are offered at no cost to participants. We encourage the participation of spouses and loved ones because we know that trauma impacts the entire family. The course if free for all participants and includes childcare and meals. There are two options with our courses provided throughout the year - 12 weeks of meeting one day/time per week (usually mid day or evening) and 2-day course (usually a Friday and Saturday from 9 am - 6 pm). Visit our events and calendar for details on the next course offered.
Wellsprings provides both the 12-week course and 2-Day course option free of charge for First Responders and their families.
“It’s a place where we can really relax...even my officer (husband) feels comfortable letting his guard down a little, which really says something if you know your typical LEO. The ranch has given us a place we can find some respite and enjoy some time together. Our family is so thankful for the Hotchkins and their passion for first responder families.”